
Noise con­trol of tram and light rail transit (LRT) sys­tems by rail sur­face tre­at­ment: the newly de­ve­loped ATMO rail grin­ding trailer for quieter railsB. Antony, F. Hansmann22021REI
Su­stainable track workM. Zeiner, M. Landgraf072021electric & hybrid rail technology
ATMO takes to the tracksB. Antony52021RGI
Of­fe­ring a full ser­vice for tur­nouts 1382020Rail Infrastructure
The URM 700-2: a multi-ta­lented bal­last clea­ning ma­chine for plain track and tur­nouts 42020REI
60 years of mo­dern bal­last clea­ning ma­chines: state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies for achie­ving an ex­cel­lent bal­last clea­ning qua­lity (Part 2 of 2)K. Riessberger, R. Wenty, M. Zuzic12021REI
60 years of mo­dern bal­last clea­ning ma­chines: bal­last bed be­ha­viour and the im­port­ance of bal­last bed clea­ning, and in­tro­duc­tion of first ma­chines (Part 1 of 2)K. Riessberger, R. Wenty, M. Zuzic42020REI
Field tests con­firm the ef­fec­tiveness of the Dy­namic Track Sta­bi­liserS.Feurig, W. Stahl, S. Freudenstein, B. Antony, F. Auer32020REI
Electro-mo­bi­lity, railway in­fra­s­truc­ture and E³ tech­no­logy 1362020Rail Infrastructure
Over­head line (OHL) sys­tems for high-speed railway lines: con­si­de­ra­tionsM. Irsigler1+22020REI
Me­cha­nised main­te­nance of bal­lasted track in tun­nels: ex­pe­ri­ence gained and la­test me­thods and tech­no­lo­giesW. Schachner, H. Wörgötter42019REI
Tracking the Dy­namic Track Sta­bi­liser - re­sults of large-scale in­ves­ti­ga­tions pro­vide a better un­der­stan­ding of its ef­fec­tivenessF. Auer, B. Antony32019REI
High-tech ma­chi­nery for ef­fi­cient main­te­nance of heavy-haul railway trackR. Wenty22019REI
Fit for urban chal­lenges – Light Rail Sys­temsF. Hansmann, J. Kehrer12019ETR-I
A de­ve­lop­ment in the ma­nage­ment of ab­so­lute track geo­metryR. Spoors1-22019Rail Infrastructure
Data ma­nage­ment – enab­ling a ti­mely, ef­fec­tive and cost-ef­fi­cient de­ci­sion ma­king by track ma­chine and railway in­fra­s­truc­ture ope­ra­torsB. Maier42018REI
Achie­ving an op­timum bal­last bed – key to track geo­metry qua­lity – by means of state-of-the-art bal­last dis­tri­bu­tion and pro­fi­ling ma­chinesR. Hauke32018REI
The quest for quieter tramsJ. Kehrer, F. Hansmann22018Metro Report International
Faster bal­last bed clea­ning of tur­nouts by means of the URM 700-2H. Wörgötter, M. Zuzic, N. Waldhör22018REI
How to in­te­grate di­gital tech­no­lo­giesFlorian Auer52018GRR
Smart Tam­ping – Fields of Ap­p­li­ca­tion of the Tur­nout Tam­ping As­si­stance SystemF. Auer, D. Buchbauer, M. Bürger, G. Jodlbaue22018ETR-I
Plasser & Theurer: De­li­ve­ring sa­fety, re­li­a­bi­lity and cost-ef­fi­ciencyC. Peinsipp B. Metzger52017GRR
In­no­va­tion boost in track main­te­nanceR. Wenty12017ETR-I
Re­du­cing the oc­cur­rence of inner curve cor­ru­ga­tionsF. Auer 2016 
40 Years of “Dy­namic Track Sta­bi­li­sa­tion”K. Rießberger R. Wenty 2015 
The URM 700: the first ma­chine enab­ling bal­last clea­ning in tur­nouts in as­sembly-line me­thodH. Wörgötter M. Zuzic12015ETR-I
Multi-func­tion track re­cor­ding carsF. Auer3+42013RTR
In­no­va­tions and proven equip­ment at the iaf 2013R. Becker22013RTR
Track bal­last in Aus­triaCh. Kuttelwascher88/89/902012RI
Mo­dern track re­newal on the West Coast Main LineR. Spoors42012RTR
Track for­ma­tion im­pro­ve­ment - pro­blems, de­ve­lop­ment and im­ple­men­ta­tion: Part 1.K. Lieberenz F. Piereder85-862011RI
DB Netz uses sa­tel­lites to lo­cate track in three di­men­sionsL. Marx112008RGI
13 years of ex­pe­ri­ence with rail-mounted for­ma­tion re­ha­bi­li­ta­tion on the Aus­trian net­workF. Auer R. Schilder M. Zuzic H. Breymann12008RTR
Non-de­struc­tive con­ti­nuous dy­namic mea­su­re­ment of la­teral track re­si­stance of­fers real-time re­sults di­rectly after track main­te­nanceR. van den Bosch22007REI
Plasser & Theurer ma­chines and tech­no­lo­gies ap­p­lied for track main­te­nance of high-speed railway lines: a se­lec­tionR. Wenty12007REI
Sys­tems ana­lysis of point-re­laying ma­chinesT. Siefer L. Lücking12007RTR
La­test De­ve­lop­ments in Track Re­ha­bi­li­ta­tion and Main­te­nanceR. Wenty 2007RTR
Ma­chines and tech­no­logy for high-ca­pa­city linesR. Wenty22006ERR
In­stal­la­tion, re­newal and main­te­nance of over­head ca­te­nary sys­tems by means of a spe­ci­ally de­si­gned ca­te­nary in­stal­la­tion and re­newal ma­chineM. Irsigler42006REI
Op­ti­mized de­ploy­ment of track main­te­nance ma­chines thanks to the use of high-qua­lity wea­ring partsP.Flatscher42006RTR
High-ca­pa­city, pre­ci­sion and re­li­a­bi­lity in track main­te­nanceR. Wenty32006RTR
Cost-ef­fec­tive re­pair and over­haul of track-main­te­nance ma­chines: Na­ti­on­wide ex­pe­ri­ence in Ger­manyP. Flatscher22006RTR
Cri­teria for cost-ef­fec­tive bal­last clea­ning: ma­chine de­sign con­si­de­ra­tionsH. Misar42005REI
Bal­last clea­ning of single-track lines: a stra­tegic ana­lysisR. Schilling12005REI
In­no­va­tive ca­te­nary in­stal­la­tion tech­no­logy ap­p­lied on German RailW. König U.Michalski22004REI
Gre­ater availa­bi­lity of track main­te­nance ma­chines due to the use of new wear-re­si­stant ma­te­rialsP. Flatscher32004RTR
The EM-SAT 120 Track Survey Car, an in­te­grated part of the track geo­metry data base of the Aus­trian Fe­deral Rail­ways ÖBBE. Sackl22004RTR
Brin­ging Ob­jec­ti­vity into System De­ci­sions bet­ween Bal­lasted TrackH. Koriath, A. Hamprecht, H. Huesmann, P.Ablinger2-32003RTR
In­tel­li­gent Bal­last Ma­nage­ment Will Cut CostsH. Misar82002IRJ
Plasser Combo Pro­vides High-Ca­pa­city Main­te­nance 32002IRJ
Track sub­struc­ture re­newal on Po­lish State Rail­waysH. Beczkowski22002REI
Op­ti­mised ca­te­nary main­te­nance mea­sures on Aus­trian Fe­deral Rail­waysJ. Kohel12002REI
Fur­ther De­ve­lop­ment of Me­cha­nised Bal­last Clea­ningE. Klotzinger2-32002RTR
Track Ma­chine Costs Need To Be Op­ti­misedR. Wenty122001IRJ
In­no­va­tive Mea­su­ring System Un­veiledG. Oberlechner J. Zywiel92001IRJ
IM2000 In­fra­s­truc­ture Mea­su­ring Car: the ap­p­li­ca­tion of re­cor­ding re­sultsG. van der Merwe L.C. Zaayman P.B. Venter42001REI
Mea­su­ring tunnel clea­rances fasterB. Metzger52001RGI
Plasser's Monster Mill­en­nium Ma­chine 32000IRJ
For­ma­tion re­ha­bi­li­ta­tion on Aus­trian Fe­deral Rail­ways - five years of ope­ra­ting ex­pe­ri­ence with the AHM 800-RR. Schilder F. Piereder42000REI
The EM 250 high-speed track re­cor­ding coach and the EM-SAT 120 track survey car, as net­worked track geo­metry dia­gnosis and the­rapy sys­temsG. Presle32000REI
New ca­te­nary re­newal tech­no­logy in­tro­duced on Po­lish State Rail­waysP. Koroblowski22000REI
Ma­chines for Ca­te­nary Con­struc­tion and Main­te­nanceR. Wenty22000RTR